Друзья! Мы рады вам представить наш новый сингл «We Struck With Our Swords». Это песнь о легендарном викинге, имя которому Рагнар Лодброк, о боевой славе, поверженных противниках и беспощадной трагической судьбе.
we struck with our swords
raven wing showed us the way
we sailed through fjords
to come back on ships full of prey
we struck with our swords
every village looted behind
we longed for rich rewards
when we saw Paris lights
we struck with our swords
thousands of warriors, hundreds of ships
save god from fury of Nords
words of plea passed his trembling lips
we struck with our swords
robbed churches and burnt them all
we killed enemy hordes
but today we’re fated to fall
I desire to die now
poison flows through my veins
like a beast caught in a trap
in a darkened pit, I lay in chains
I desire to die now
so can i get to the Hall up High?
no more pain of snakebite
hope for life is lost, laughing shall I die
Запись, мастеринг и сведение: «Студия 9»
Обложка: Orm Embar
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